- Herpforum - Softshell Turtles
Here you may post messages or questions pertaining to all aspects and issues regarding the keeping, breeding, health, and conservation of Softshell Turtles. Show off your softshell turtles and upload your pictures to our Softshell Turtle Photo Gallery! Don't forget to check out our other turtle related forums.
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Articles of interest:
Fire Safety
Finding a Good Herp Veterinarian
Preventing Transmission of Salmonella
Softie Shopping,2025815
I'm looking to get a shoftshell turtle!I love the little guys!
I was wondering what species, from your experience, is the best to keep. I have a nice local reptile shop that orders in reptiles, so I wouldn't want something that costs hundreds and is very rare! Thanks!
Baby soft shell with wrinkled shell,2022840
I have a baby softy that I got about a month ago. At first she was very active in the water but in the past week she hasn't wanted to be in the water except to eat then goes right back under the UVB bulb on the basking rock. Her shell is very wrinkled looking and rippled near her feet. I'm not sure ...
Baby with Sores?,2020018
this is my baby soft shell turtle, just got him recently. Didn't realize the entire amount if care that can go into soft shells and they require. however they are and amazing species and i have done best research i could and spent a lot of money making him/her comfortable. now i have this problem be...
Colorado River Spiny Softie spotted!,1996158
35 years on the Parker Dam stretch of the Colorado River. Never once seen what we saw tonight! It was impressive... An easy 22" Long x 14" Wide Softie! It was a brown to brick red top color with cream granite skin and underside.. What a sight to behold! Was no way to photograph it ...
Adopted softshell,1993027
We adopted this turtle from a local who had had it since the size of a quarter. He has done well after the move and is eating great. He says its a Florida softshell, what do you guys think?
Thanks for any info.
Wild Spiny Softshell,1951268
I was doing some herping in southern Illinois earlier in the month and saw this Spiny Softshell on the bank of the Cache River.
TimThird Eye
Spiny Softshell health advice (fungus?),1935025
Roughly two weeks ago I captured a hatchling spiny softshell in apparent good health. I initially housed he/she in a 10 gallon aquarium (6 to 7 gallons of water) with proper filtration, a basking spot, 5.0 UVB lighting along with a 60 W basking bulb, and small smooth rocks for substrate. The water t...
Requesting UVB info for Spiny Soft-shell,1917328
Just got a 3" Spiny Soft-Shell turtle - he's in a 29 Long tank, with sandy substrate, heater at 78 degrees, a floating, basking shelf, and another shelf with enough sand to bury in, and still have his head out of the water. Water is 11 inches deep & filtered by a Fluval-3. He LOVES wa...
is it flipper or a turtle?,1873122
I picked up a baby softshell turtle this spring. It's in a 40 breeder with a heater, filter, basking platform and basking light. It gets around fine, basking swimming and eating well.....BUT for the past week the front and the back of the shell is flipping up! seems like he is good weight, active...
Florida Softshell Will Not Eat!,1868370
I have had my softshells for a week now they are babies only about 2 inches in diameter. I can not get them to eat. The people I purchased them from recommended baby guppies or dried shrimp but they will not eat anything nor do they seem interested in eating. I am worried about them. We have a 30 ga...
DC Press: Even Turtles Need Recess,1868063
U.S. NEWS & WORLD REPORT (Washington, DC) 21 October 10 Researcher Defines Play, Discovers Even Turtles Need Recess
Knoxville: Seeing a child or a dog play is not a foreign sight. But what about a turtle or even a wasp?
Apparently, they play, too.
In fact, according to Gordon Burghardt, a psyc...
VT Press: Rare turtle finds its voice,1856910
Guadelupe hatchlings,1852640
Thought you all might be interested in seeing this group of newly-hatched Guadelupe spiny softshells-way too cute!
-----Brad Chambers
Breeder of:
Green Tree Pythons
Pastel, Pinstripe, FIRE, Piebald, Clown, Lavender Albino, Leucistic, and Spider Ball Pythons
Striped Colombian Boa Co...
We got a good run of albino stuff this year and last. Between us and a few select friends,
Pictured is an albino leopard in nice goo
Albino Iguana from normal line, not one of our LUTINOS
Breeding Machine WC Lutino Male Iguana
Albino Cuban Tree Frogs
Albino Chinese Water Snake
Albino Florida ...
so check out this and ID turtle please..,1829270
My son found this video on youtube, its of jeremy wade from river monsters catching a giant softshell in asia, I believe the Yangtze river. Um heres the thing....this turtle looks awfully familiar to a shanghai giant softshell...but theres no way right? see for your self. that would be cr...
USF&W to add "Big 9" to Lacey Act,1780460
shelter adopting out softshells,1774682
This is an interesting article in today's newspaper.... shelter adopting out rare turtles.....
purchasing a soft shell,1759763
Hello and I am purchasing a soft shell and had a few questions.
I have a decent amount of sand and a few pieces of wood. But it used to be a fish tank so its not designed for a turtle so the water has to be rather high, but I made it just low enough so the filter would still work. But I have hear...
spiny is sick PLEASE HELP!!!,1731815
Hi everyone,
I'm really worried about my 5 year old spiny softshell- she has always been active and eaten plenty of food. However, about two days ago her skin started sloughing off and it seems that the underside of her shell has darkened. She is also balancing on her side, and is just letting her...
It's very weird, my sister's neighbor found a Pig Nosed Turtle in his backyard, and gave it to her...... Where did it come from, and why was it on land, I don't know, I suppose someone dumped it there... ....I looked it up, and found out it's a rare threatened species.......Well....My sister cannot ...