Posted by:
at Fri Feb 10 19:55:52 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by flamedcrestie ]
hey, just thought i'd post a few pictures of a new cage addition i've been working on for my pair of uroplatus henkeli. it is designed to set on top of a 40 gallon tall oceanic aquarium that has flip out side doors. here's a front shot
![]( here's a front shot from up a bit higher, you can see how i built in planters for pothos to set, and lined it with a plastic drop cloth
![]( When i made the sides, i decided i wanted to be able to clean the sides easily, so i made them slide in and out from the front
![]( the whole thing has a minimum of 4 coats of the highest quality wood floor varnish i could get, and the front has a few more, being sanded better in between since that's the part you see the most. I also made the top removeable to it is easier to put large pieces of cork bark or branches in. I'll post a few more pictures when i get it completely set-up until then, here's a 15 second shutter speed photo of the female the other night
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New Henk. cage addition - flamedcrestie, Fri Feb 10 19:55:52 2006