Posted by:
at Sun Mar 19 15:26:11 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by antelope ]
That's good advice! I carry a bottle of disinfectant everywhere. I was a scaoutmaster and we had lots of snakes go through the hands of the boys at campouts, so cleanliness is a must. No one ever was ill on my watch! Quarantine is a definite must! I use a 90 day period and as stated, a fecal would put your mind at ease. A lot of people will not even consider introducing w.c. into their collection, and I don't blame them. I have 18 w.c. snakes in my collection of 33 snakes, and I must say that they are all individuals but almost all have acclimated well enough to hand feed ala JETZEN-style, lol! I have some pituophis that have attitudes, and some baby specks still musk, but like you, I expect them to acclimate well in time with frequent handling. I know you don't agree with w.c. snakes versus captive bred, but some of mine are rescues and some were target species picked up while road cruising, so many would have become roadkill anyway. I can afford to keep them well, so I think they will be better off with me! Here are a couple of my w.c. turned captives who will produce what you may buy some day! Todd Hughes
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