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Posted by: drummagirl at Mon Jul 28 18:36:53 2003  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by drummagirl ]  

That was quite possibly the STUPIDIST thing i have read in my 19 years of existence. The fact that you are actually believing that crap speaks loads about your intelligence or lack thereof. I don't mind people have opinions that challenges other peoples way of thinking, but i do insist that the person that writes that garbage has some shred of a clue as to what they're talking about.

Now i don't know how much aviation experience other members of this forum have, but it is apparent that the author of that website has absolutely none. But if no one minds my ranting, i'll point out some painfully obvious errors.

1. The point was made that the 'supposed hijackers' didn't have the experience to pilot the Boeing aircraft. Let me explain something that is slightly embarrasing to us pilots...flying a plane that is already in the air really isn't THAT hard. I wouldn't call it simple, but it's not something that requires years of experience. The hijackers may not have had the experience to solo a single engine, but trust me, there is a WORLD of difference between soloing an aircraft and flying one straight and level long enough to crash it into a building. I had the oppurtunity to fly a citation jet simulator last year, before i had recieved my private pilots liscense. I was able to take-off and fly the plane without a hitch. the landing is a different story My point here is that all the hijackers had to do was keep the plane in the air, point it at a building and let gravity take over. not that hard. at any rate, it's not enough to support the idiotic conspiracy theory that person was writing.

2. The website had a lot of fun asking why the pilots didn't put up a fight in the cockpit and how ex-military pilots were so easily overpowered. Ummm, has anyone here been inside the cockpit of those planes? yeah, i didn't think so. Let me explain something very simply to all the retards that believe that crap of a website. COCKPITS ARE NOT ROOMY!!! I'm a 5'4" female that weighs 123 pounds, and I have trouble squezing into cockpits!!I've seen mock-ups of those bigger jets, and let me tell you something, once you've managed to wedge yourself into the seats, strangled yourself in an attempt to get buckled, and finally gotten everything situated, your pretty much SCREWED if someone comes after you. I'd be shocked if the pilots were able to put up more than a few good punches before their time was up.

3. 'Pseudo Flight 175 takes off from its military base, flying under remote control, and flies so as to intercept the flight path of UA Flight 175. Radar operators tracking UA Flight 175 see the two blips merge.' Once again, this is the stupidest crap i've read in a very long time... Radar operators see the two blips merge??!! I tell you what, you get a plane, and try to run it on an intercept path with another plane and just SEE what happens! Traffic control would be ALL OVER YOU!!! And what, you think they just watch two blips converge then go back to sipping coffee?? They'd be having a heart attack!! They'd be sending radio calls to the planes, trying to vector them around each other, sending them to different altitudes,yada yada, You can't just run two planes on intercept paths and expect nothing to happen. basically, it couldn't happen like that..plain and simple.

3. '(perhaps after crossing the flight path of AA Flight 77),' Uh Uh, not gonna happen. Every plane is given a differnt transponder code that show up on the rader operator's screen. In theory, even if the 'phantom jet' flew the same flight path, the screen would show two differnt codes, the operator would know there were two planes there. And no, the 'phantom jet' wouldn't have been able to copy that code.

4. '(agents of the civilian "state security and intelligence" agencies and bureaus such as the CIA, top-ranking officers within the U.S. Air Force and high-level officers within the U.S. Administration)' Tell you what, YOU go tell this to a top-ranking officer in the Air Force. kudos to you if you make it out with all of your bodily appendages still intact.

5. Pictures and information from a FRENCH website? Do i even need to comment on that?

I could ramble on some more, but i'm sure i've already bored whoever was able to read this far. The website did bring up an intersting point or two, and i'm glad that there will always be someone to challenge the system, but whoever wrote that had NO idea what they were talking about. If you can't research what you're talking about, then keep your mouth shut. Oh, and if anyone is curious, i'm a college student studying aviation, working towards my goal of eventually flying for an airliner. Have a great day everyone,



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