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at Thu Mar 23 14:16:05 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jmorris ]
Just thought I'd gloat about my other female laying her first two eggs. she took from about 6:00am to about 11:30am to find an appropriate spot, dig a pathetic tittle trench, lay both eggs, and then clumsily cover them. Quite amusing and amazing to watch. They were just barely stuck together by a little mucus, and came apart with no damage. They are both nice and round and quite large.
Attached are a couple pics of the incubator setup and the humidifier system. The large view shows the humidifier on the far left, the incubator in the right foreground, with the drainage bucket behind it.(the bottom of the viv has two drainage bulkheads). You can see I used a Tee fitting on the main supply line, added a valve (put an end cap on the Tee, drilled a hole in it to fit the valve, and epoxied it in with JB Weld). The valve and tube are 3/8" press-fit polyethylene. The close up of the eggs in the incubator shows the firs egg from Amanda in the upper right space, and the two new ones from Megan n the left. The hose entering on the left/back is the supply line from the humidifier, the therm/hygro probe hangs into the incubator in the front left.. As you can see by the digital display, the humidity is 92% and the temp is 67.9.
----- With great power, comes great responsibility. -Ben Parker
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two more eggs...and I got to watch! - jmorris, Thu Mar 23 14:16:05 2006 