Posted by:
at Sun Apr 2 12:31:37 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jadrig ]
if you have just recently aquired them, they are probably harboring "something". mine did the same thing. what i did was just give them 1 or two crickets each everynight. its very stressful for them to regurgitate food, but if you only give thema couple crickets at a time they probably wont throw them up. after they are holdin the crix down for a while and become more stable you should get a fecal done. theyll be fine if you dont get them treated, but after they are doin fine, they can crash real hard with stress.
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- Cricket Regurgitation? - viper69, Sun Apr 2 01:47:08 2006
RE: Cricket Regurgitation? - jadrig, Sun Apr 2 12:31:37 2006