Posted by:
at Mon Apr 17 20:25:24 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tersiphone ]
I have a 1.2 group of phantasticus. The male has been with the females full time for the past 5 months or so and since then each of the two females has laid 3 clutches of slugs. The eggs come out essentially without a shell (though hardened), they are a yellow, yolky color (sometimes with little pearls of white that almost look like they could have been the beginnings of a shell) and when I remove them from the cage the point of contact with the branch or leaf is not hardened and the slug inside will start to leak out. Sometimes the eggs are even defecated out and I find them with a pile of poo.
Anyone experienced this before? Any suggestions as to how I can get them "fertile"? I think the male may be a problem and I am about to introduce another male to make a 2.2 group. I do dust their crickets with vitamin supplements and calcium, so hopefully that isn't the issue.
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Satanic Infertile Eggs - tersiphone, Mon Apr 17 20:25:24 2006