Posted by:
at Tue May 16 19:11:04 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by xNeViNx ]
hey every one. hello to all that kno me and ppl ive never seen. this is soo awsome. i just realized tonight that there is a tokay forum. IM SO HAPPY!!! im not the greatest person on eath when it comes to tokays, but i do like to think of my self as an advanced keeper. iv bought about 9 wild caught tokays over the years, and turned them into brightly colored, and very robust, and sold them. the past 3 years i have been breeding them. so far this year ive had 4 eggs. and 2 hatch. tokays are one of my most favorite geckos. im going to try and help out as much as i can on this forum, and ill always respond to any question directed at me (if any). any way, enough bragging. heres my pics.
the cages
nice and simple, keeps humidety well, and makes them feel happy and unstressed.
this is a breeding cage idea that i kikked around. i loved it, but i just don think the geckos were happy (i didnt get any eggs).

my females hoome cage, also used for breeding. 20 gal tank

males cage, hes only ever in it for 7 days at a time. its the 7 days after the female lays her eggs. its only to give her a brake, and let her build up her body back up. its a 20 gal rubber maid container

the female

the male

the 2 togeather befor i set up the females cage

the last set of eggs laid

the last baby that hatched out this year.

and a pic of the father and the baby(not togeather in teh same cage, just the same cool pose

let me kno what you all think. (i dont want to sound conceaded) but if you guys have any questions, or if i can help in any way, please feel free to ask.
also, let me kno what you guys think thanx nevin ----- AIM- McChompinator
green tree pythons green anacondas yellow anacondas jungle carpet pythons brazilian rainbow baos reticulated pythons columbian boa constrictors amazon tree boas kenyan sand boas ball pythons blood pythons burm pythons tamed tokay geckos leopard geckos(all morphs, cept a couple) crested geckos bearded dragons mali uromastyxs sudanese uromastyxs poison dart frogs albino pacman frog african fat tailed geckos jacksons chameleon giant daygeckos standings daygeckos satanic leaftail geckos corn snakes 2.0 brothers 0.2 sisters 4 cats- max the fat pimp dog-cat(rip) 1 miniture mutt-brutis
all ive got is insane
we're never ganna survive unless we get a little..crazy..are the people walking through my head
"dont be afraid to die, only be afraid to not live"
"dont become classified. if you are nothing, then you can be anything."

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new to the bords....lots of pics!!!! - xNeViNx, Tue May 16 19:11:04 2006