Posted by:
at Wed Jul 5 06:29:21 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Atrox788 ]
Almost any person who has ever kept or worked with Forest Cobras will say the same thing lol They are notorious pains in the arse to handle.
Im my breif dealing with O.Hannah I would have to say they are much more workable then Forest. Probaly because they actualy act like Cobras LOL Forest cobras act more like mambas at times.
As for your Naja, unless taxonomy has been updated recently I belive the Suphans are just a varient of kaouthia. The Kaouthia I have worked with have always been real loud and defensive. Once they get in that stance its hard to get them to go down, even when on a hook.
The spitters are actualy what got me out of hot keeping ; ; I started having alergic reactions from simply opening their cages ; ; Since they so generously share their venom I ended up getting over exposed to dried particles which lead to uncontroable sneezing fits everytime I had to clean, even if they werent spitting!!! Kinda sucks but my new interest has me enjoying feld herping more so then keeping at home. Now I just need money to go to africa lol
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