Posted by:
at Fri Jul 14 12:14:31 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHRatz ]
I'm sorry I couldn't take it any more! I gave in.
He's Mr. Happy Turtle now that he's out of that nightmare & back home. When I FINALLY get my darn pen built.. still having a horrible problem with getting that done.. I'll buy a kid's wading pool for him. Then Scooter can go outside for fresh air & sunshine, swimming outdoors then I'll know he's getting the exercise I want him to have... in the summertime anyway.
We have lots of cinder blocks left over from having the fence built last year. DH doesn't have time anymore to build the box turtle pen for me as he'd planned. He has however been spending that time making money so now I can pay someone to build the pen.. I just need to find someone who'll do it. It has to be mortared together & done just like the fence because we have a 60lb sulcata roaming around out there. If we were to only stack the bricks there's too much danger of her knocking them over either on top of a turtle or back onto herself so this has to be done the right way. This pen is going to be huge, it'll cover 1/4 of the half acre that's fenced in so there will be plenty of room to create temporary barriers for things like temporary pools. Scooter will have no contact with the box turtles at all but he'll have fun in the sun. Then the crabs will have a new larger home so one way or another all of this is going to work out better for everyone. ----- PHRatz
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