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at Thu Aug 3 23:57:22 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jenonymous ]
Unfortunately I don't have digital upload capabilities right now. I'll see if my husband can take a pic with his phone and upload it for me. In the meantime, here's the story: A friend had this turtle from a friend, decided it was too much maintainance, and passed it along to us. He told us it was a Mississippi Mud turtle, but the briefest research showed us that Spud does not match the pictures. A look at Austin's Turtle page gave us a Mississippi MAP turtle as the closest look-alike. Except, the yellow marks behind our turtle's eyes are perfectly oval. That made me wonder: are those marks more like finger-prints, varying by individual, or is Spud not really a MS mud? He (or she, we don't know which) is about four inches long on the carapace, and the stripes on the legs and feet are in shades of grey--not much contrast. Except for some stubborn algae growing on his back, he appears in good health--he's active, he eats well, his eyes are bright, and he's interested in what's going on. True confession: I have not actually picked the little bugger up to look at the underside of the shell, so I can't describe it. I realize without a pic, it is hard to identify conclusively, but any tips would be appreciated. We're feeding him ReptoMin and changing his water weekly, running a filter, basking lamp, he has a floating basking "rock" and largish river stones (not fish gravel) in the bottom. Should we do something else?
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We were given this turtle, see... - jenonymous, Thu Aug 3 23:57:22 2006