Posted by:
at Sat Aug 5 13:58:47 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ingo ]
my caresheet is a few years old, anyhow it should be found somewhere in the archives. I only have a few minutes, so I can not look it up for you...sorry. Also I can not calculate in F that quickly. Thus I just say that overall temps between 22 and 28 °C with basking spot zones between 35 and 40°C IMHO are the optimum for baby basilisks. These lizards are best raised in groups, since they live in flocks in the wild for the first months. In groups they do eat more readily and accept a broader variety of food. In the first three months they should be able to eat dily ad libitum with a one day pause once a week. Best food is field plankton, if this is not available offer a variety of standard feede rinsects. My winter hatchlings are mainly fed small roaches, crickes, Alphitobius larvae, small zophobas. Of course all that has te be well dusted with a vitamin/minerla poweder. I do always mix the standard brands with 30% calcium citrate. Starting with month 4 or five I reduce food. 6 month olds are only fed twice a week and get some flies in the meantime to stay alert and active. If fed too much after month 6, females tend to become gravid way to early. Limited food in combination with a relative dry environment to my experience is the best combination to prevent hat. BTW, if you provide metal halides, the basilisk turn green more early and much more intensively green than under standard lighting.
Hope that helps
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