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Posted by: redmoon at Mon Aug 14 23:18:13 2006  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by redmoon ]  

The vet really isn't an option. It's 45 minutes to my closest reptile vet, and I don't have the money to take it. The staff vet doesn't have any experience with reptiles at all. I say small zoo, and that's pretty much an overstatement. While they claim "hundreds of friendly animals," they in reality have less than 80, including the 30 goats. It's a petting zoo, with a handful of exotics. Check out They over-exaggerate everything they say on the site. He doesn't want to take frozen at all. I'm trying. I'm hoping to get some live rat pups. Anything unweaned, that couldn't put up a fight, and doesn't have teeth anyway.
I have him on newspaper, because I thought it would be better for a quarantine cage. He has some loose crumpled newspaper on top that he "burrows" down under. He has a 75 watt heat lamp during the day, and a heat pad 24/7, reaching around 115 in the hot spot, and keeping it about 80 directly over the heat pad at night.
I was told that the mouth is probably mouthrot. That sounds like a possibility to me. The eye.. I'm still not sure about. That white stuff isn't pus. It's more like skin, with no scales on it.
The dog food didn't sound too apealing to me, but that's what it was eating when it was donated to the park, so I thought that it might eat that, when it's not eating anything else.
I'm soaking it, and it seems like it's perked up a bit from the soaking. Last night, it REALLY enjoyed the soak, and was really active after. He swam around in the tub, and actually climbed up the sides, in and out a couple times.
As you said.. He doesn't look like he's in danger of dieing any day. If I can get him to start eating again, I have frozen rodents for it, and I've got mice starting to breed again, so at that point, he'll get live(or rather, prekilled).

I found out today that the tegu is 11 years old. The man who gave it to the park kept it in a 20 gallon aquarium its entire life, and he had it for 11 years. He got rid of it because it bit his 9 year old child. For 11 years, it ate ONE brand of dog food, and that's all the guy ever fed it. It's a miracle it's even lived this long.


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  • You Are Herethank you! - redmoon, Mon Aug 14 23:18:13 2006

>> Next topic:  Burrow question about tegus - kich4theanswer, Tue Aug 15 19:43:37 2006
<< Previous topic:  sick tegu in dire need of help - redmoon, Sun Aug 13 17:47:32 2006