Posted by:
at Mon Aug 21 21:28:22 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by reptoman ]
well-I may be full of it here, but I would take a temp reading on your cage. The reason I say this is I lost a horned lizard in a big plastic cage many years ago thinking that it was fine, but plastic holds in the heat, if it is not well ventilated you could be getting temps that are too high. They do need good ventilation to stay healthy. If these are wild caught they may be having an issue with intestinal bugs, but they just could be stressing as Fireside was implying below. It's hard to say but the change has affected them, but I am concerned at the wieght loss and refusing food. Check those temps out don't assume they are fine, the ambient temps could be a lot higher than you relize..........Be sure and feed your animals in the morning not in the middle of the day. have you also tried any danilion flowers or a litle green leaf lettuce cut up very thin. Try a flying insect such as moths or even a small grass-hopper...hope you figure it out. Be sure and do somethng quickly as they can go down the tuber real quick. Are you making sure they are hydrated well? -----
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