Posted by:
at Mon Sep 4 19:29:32 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by alkoz ]
My son Matt(11yr old) has two FBT that he's had for 3 1/2 years now. They live in a 10 gallon tank that's mostly water with floating land masses. Lately he's noticed that the oldest toad will slowly open it's mouth and sit with it's mouth open. If he goes near the toad, he will quickly shut his mouth.................I'm litterally sitting here cracking up. My son just asked me if we could figure out a way to have Mom quickly shut her mouth............
BAck to the post. Is this normal behavior for his toad or is it something to be worried about. He's a bit concerned since it's a new behavior.
thanks, Al(Matt's Dad).
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FBT sits with mouth open - alkoz, Mon Sep 4 19:29:32 2006