Posted by:
at Thu Sep 7 00:54:49 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by outdoorsman ]
Well, I will have to give it a try.It does not have a UVA/B reading.I did try it at verious times throughout the day.It did register higher in the sun,7ish and when cloudy 4ish.It also said to use it to test for instance sun glasses.I did, on a 50 dollar pair, it went from a 7 to a 3.I will try it tommorow through some glass, see if it changes readings.Isn't it only UVB that glass blocks.I was wondering if it might be a light meter? And have nothing to do With UVA/B.But in the meters defense, i can put it under one light and get zip,even right next to the bulb (floresent,%7 UVB to boot).Under another,next to the bulb (basking) I get a 6 plus. My daughter checked her light with it and said ,"dad, they wouldn't sell a light that says its UVB without being true",yea ok.When I was researching stuff on supplements etc, I found a post of a guy that inquired about that spray from, is it 4-paws, he was asking a factory rep about the item, her response, "people will buy anything, as long as we put a pict of "their" reptile on it".Which to me says its nothing but snake Oil.Oh yea, and that was after I bought a bottle of it!!Never more,scott.
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- Outdoorsman - Cable_Hogue, Wed Sep 6 07:25:07 2006
RE: Outdoorsman - outdoorsman, Thu Sep 7 00:54:49 2006