Posted by:
at Sun Sep 24 11:49:08 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by phwyvern ]
Ball Python Forum Photo Contest - 2006
Contest Outline:
Submit your photo: September 24 - 30 Member voting to select finalists: October 1 - 3 Winner Announced: October 4
The Winner gets: their photo showcased on the Ball Python Forum until such a time as the winner of the photo choses to remove that photo from the photo gallery or a new contest for the forum is held - which ever comes first.
---------------------- Before entering your photo in the contest, PLEASE take the time to CAREFULLY read the rules both at the top of the Contest Forum and here in this designated contest thread.
Photos that are not submitted in the proper format will be disqualified and the entry removed from the contest forum - no exceptions! Disqualified photos may be resubmitted in the correct format provided it is done within the allotted time frame for submissions.
There is no guarantee that you will be notified if your entry was disqualified (sometimes your email attached to your account is out of date and bounces back to us, or your spam filters block us). All submissions are reviewed within 24 hours of entry. Please check back to see if your entry was disqualified or not. If you need to update your email address on your account, you can do so here:
If you are NOT familiar with how to upload photos to the forums, please PRACTICE first in the Testing Forum.
* Only one (1) entry per username is allowed. Multiple entries by the same username will result in the extra entries being removed from the contest.
* You must submit your photo within the designated contest thread as a "response" to the main contest post. Any entry submitted outside of the contest thread will be disqualified. Any entry submitted as a response to someone else's photo entry will be disqualified and removed.
* To submit an entry:
--- Make sure you are reading the main contest post. Next, click on 'Reply To This Message.'
--- In the message box, first delete the contest information from the message box and then feel free to provide any details about your photo if you desire (photo title, pet's name/common name, species/genus, etc.).
--- Next, go to the bottom of the screen to where is says 'Select Image from Photo Gallery.' Open that menu up and select the image you wish to submit (it helps if you remember what file name your image was originally uploaded as). If you are familiar on how to use the tags to post photos from the PetHobbyist photo gallery you may feel free to do it that way instead.
--- Once you are finished entering all information, click 'post message'.
Photo submission is open to everyone until midnight (eastern time) of the closing date. Any photos entered after that date/time will not be eligible.
After the Contest is closed, members may begin voting on which photo they like best. Only one (1) vote per username is allowed. Once you vote, you can't undo it so choose wisely. Multiple votes by the same username will result in ALL votes by that username being disqualified.
The photo with the most votes will be declared the winner. In the event that there is a tie for most votes, the winning photo will be selected from a panel of PetHobbyist staff.
Good Luck!
*NOTICE* Conversation type posts found within this contest thread will be removed while the contest is in progress. This is to help keep the contest neat and organized while it is in progress. If you wish to engage someone in conversation about their photo, please do so outside of the contest thread, email them privately, or wait until after the contest is completed and the winner announced. Thank you.
Edited on September 24, 2006 at 11:51:17 by phwyvern.
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