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at Wed Oct 11 16:26:15 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by draco_americanus ]
Generaly these toads are docile, not going to say harmless but it takes a lot of abuse to have one give off toxin. Generaly the most one will doto you is pee on you. The best recaution you can have is keep any and all pets away from the toad and wash your hands after handling him. My toad (Bladder) I keept at about 80F or so, You may beable to find caresheet for them and allways have a water dish that the toad can fit into comfortably. As for sex? That i don't totaly know, but if you pick one up and it churps, it's a male, Females get much larger as well.
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- Bufo marinus help - azhael, Wed Oct 11 09:24:41 2006
RE: Bufo marinus help - draco_americanus, Wed Oct 11 16:26:15 2006