Posted by:
at Thu Oct 26 20:01:01 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ryan2691 ]
LoL, the cage isn't going to heat up because the floor is cold.
The heat created by the lights will move towards the cool. That doesn't mean it heats up, that means heat from the lamp will be used instead of simply rising. More simply put, the temperature from the floor will average out with the temperature from the light.
If you put a hot block of whatever outside during the winter, the object cools down right? Well, not really. Actually, the area around the object heats up. You see, temperature is actually energy. The more energy, the hotter it is. So energy from an object evenly divides itself with its surrounding area, or averaging out.
You get the effect of radiating cold, but it is actually the other way around.
LoL, I could go on and on about this subject (along with almost every other subject) but you propably don't care and it has nothing to do with Mountain Horned Dragons anyway.
By the way, what do you mean when you talk about a downwards staircase? Elaborate... ----- Ryan
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