Posted by:
at Tue Oct 31 19:50:06 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Ryan2691 ]
When a MHD is dehydrated, there skin gets loose and flaky, right? Just like my two Acanthosaua ryanae*. But the thing is, the two ryanae drink all the time. There is little cahnce of them being as dehydrated as their skin suggests. But the thing is, they where definatly dehydrated when I bought them. And they haven't shed yet. This should start coming together now...
The one MHD that has shed has made a dramatic improvement in her skin. And obviosly I'm taking better care of her now than when she was at Petsmart.
So, I'm wondering. Are Apollo and Zhepher still dehydrated or will their skin be revived after they shed, like with the other MHD?
It's just, I saw such a remarkable improvement with Dixie, and I'm hoping to see one in the ryanae too. I keep seeing such beautiful pictures of everyones dragons, and wonder, "why aren't mine like this?". But then I rtealize, They haven't shed yet! Dixie is gorgeos now that she has shed, so I suspect nothing less from Apollo and Zhepher. And all this thinking really excites me. I remember how fascinating Dixie's shed was, and can't wait to see the difference in all my others!
If anyone wants to ruin my day and tell me that they are still dehydrated, than go ahead That is why I'm am posting this message.
*Acanthosaura ryanae is a substitute for whatever specie they really are (for right now hah-hah!)
PS: is specie the singular form of speciese? And how do you actually spell speciese? ----- Ryan
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