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at Thu Nov 9 17:28:41 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by graybird ]
I have had two clawed frogs for a bout a year now. They are spike(female) amd Pomey(male) I do not know how old they are becaues they were both full sized when I got them. I have them in a 20 galon long tank with a heater and filter, big marbulls at the bottem of the tank becaues I read they eat small gravle, a fuw highding places, the PH is 7.0 and there is no ammonia at all. I feed them once a day all diffrent tipes of foods like reptomin stiks, tuffys, shrimp and crikets just to name a fuw. about a week ago they stoped eating. I have seen them eat maybe a stick of reptomin since then but nothing els. I love them and do not know what is rong with them. They are acking normal other then that. Swimming like normal, hanging out together(they love ech other) and well also haveing sex. Why would they stop eating but acked like nother was wrong.
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Help my clawed frogs are not eating - graybird, Thu Nov 9 17:28:41 2006