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at Sat Dec 2 14:14:57 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by escapethisall ]
ok i have a 5 mth old male green basi... and a 4mth old cwd in the same tank. they havent fought, they have their own favorite basking spots and theres two food dishes, but every now and then i see the cwd swinging his arms over and over looking at the basi, (keep in mind the basilisk is bigger) and he bumps his head a little. they have shown no aggression (the cwd sometimes basks ontop of the basilisk) im prepared to seperate them if anything really happens but does this mean my cwd is a male? does it mean he hates my basilisk? i thought the basilisks were the tougher ones??
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basilisk and cwd in same tank input - escapethisall, Sat Dec 2 14:14:57 2006