Posted by:
at Sun Dec 17 16:44:06 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by -ryan- ]
I said 'surface temperatures as high as 150 degrees f'. Keep in mind these are the temperatures of the surface of the basking spot. Just didn't want anyone to think I was cooking them. It's winter right now, and the temps are a bit lower. The highest surface temperatures I could find as of right this moment in all the enclosures were as follows:
Baby russian: 100f (I tend to keep his a little lower since his body mass is so much smaller).
4.5" russian: 125f
two large females: 130f In the summer I once got temperatures of 183f off of the dirt under their basking light. This was 4 hours before the big female laid her eggs. She built her nest directly under the basking light.
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