Posted by:
at Fri Dec 22 23:57:39 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by EMWhite ]
jobi, LOL, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that YOU were hard to understand. No, no. Just that I have never had a 25w bulb get that hot. But, I have been using the Zoo Med spot bulbs. Interesting, I might switch. right now I'm using 50s, the 25s just didn't seem to do anything, warm directly beneath them for about 2 1/2 inches, but cold everywhere else. Annoying. The 50s seem to be working very well for me. The warm spot is about 88F with an ambient temp of about 75F or so if I remember right. The lizards seem to like this, the female capra especially. She sleeps beneath it sometimes. So 3 per cage, darn I have one too many. I was thinking about getting a 4" tall cage for all four of them (capras). It's glass, with a screen top. I'm thinking that's what I'll do, I really want them all together. Marcia, I think keeps some of hers in bigger tanks like that with no problems so... The new female armatas seem very limp when held. And, I have been letting them settle in, just when I did hold them, they seemed almost lifeless. Limp like I said. Now, they've only been with me since Tuesday, but do you have any thoughts? I have covered their tank, and left them alone. Though, I do still spray them as they seem to become active when I do so. The smaller one even drinks. As I said, I have a water fall in there for them, but I'm thinking it might be too warm, right now it's 77 on the cool side. I'm using a 75 in there because it isn't as well insulated as the Exo Terra ones as it has screen on two sides. (I have covered this with saran wrap.) What do you think?
No, your English is quite good for it being a second language, if I could write in Spanish that well, I'd have it made, and Spanish isn't even close to as hard as English is. A few grammatical mistakes are to be expected, no problem.
Thanks and Happy Holidays, Evan
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