Posted by:
at Sun Dec 31 09:05:17 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by reptoman ]
Well its so slow even a snail would be frustrated with this site! So I decided to wish all of you a Great New Year, I hope that you will all be richly blessed beyond measure this year. I am thinking this spring that we could start some colaborative and serious experiements with a lot of the issues we discussed. I think February would be a good time to discuss this. Perhaps rkhome might consider putting togehter the basis for a non-ant experiement with several species. And some of the other issues discussed could be done as well. I am going to take up a study on the round tail horned lizards as there has been a lot of input but I notice they often do not do well in captivity over a long period. I also am intersted in studying Hernendezi as well, but I may have to get a permit to do this.
Anybody intersted in this? I understand that Jeff has verified that what me and my son observed for years in California with Pacific HL's is that from babies to adults they eat small amounts of vegetation as a dietary intake. Apparently a well known has also observed this as well. So how many other species will occasionally take in vegetation we don't know, but high on the list is green leaf lettuce, danilion, sweet alysum flowers, and bok choy are the plants I have observed them eating.......
Well - have a great new year and lets see what goes in the next month or so........Cheers all!!! -----
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