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CWD underweight

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Posted by: BD_Novice at Wed Jan 3 01:32:57 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by BD_Novice ]  

When CDW's inhale, is it normal to see the rib cage expand? Should they have a layer of fat over the rib cage?

I just got this dragon about 5 days ago. The pet shop said they fed her four crickets twice a day. I've been putting four crickets in at a time, but she doesn't eat them right away. If mid-day there are still two milling about, I'll add a couple more crickets. Two days ago, I put in four large meal worms and three superworms. There are five worms in there now. She has a full plate of greens (mustard, collard, kale mix) with a little bit of mango. I gave her two wax worms on her first feeding which disappeared after a day. The earthworms I gave her yesterday either crawled out and dug into the substrate or or got all caked up with substrate. I haven't actually seen her eat anything.

I don't know if she's stressed. She runs up her branch when I open the lid. I assume she is saying "hi", but she might just want to jump out and escape. She doesn't seem to mind being picked up, although occasionally she'll squirm a little. I try not to bother her too much, but I do have to change the water and food dishes. I mist the take a couple times a day, and today she seemed to really enjoy being misted herself, drinking from the water droplets. She does have a repti-ramp bowl; the water in it just reaches the top of her back.

It really is the ribcage that is freaking me out. I'll try to post a pic soon. I just don't want anything to happen to her. I'm also waiting for her to poop again to send a sample to the vet.

I don't know, just want to hear some thoughts.




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