Posted by:
at Fri Jan 12 02:03:10 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by Shane_OK ]
Dinodon, sorry for my late response. In regard to your previous, now buried, reply:
Hi shane I'm not very good with the computer, making a web page would be very difficult I would have to recrute some help.
I was doing some '' reserch'' on the Trimerersurus okiavensis to find out how closely related it was to the Taiwan Trim mucrosguamatus. This was a while back I'n not sure where I read it but according to the article the TW Trim has started invading Okinawa. Do you know anything about this ?
As far as the website, if you can send me photos of the snakes (with credit to the photographer(s)), as well as informational text for each species, then I should be able to make a unique yahoo geocities website in a few hours. I'd be happy to do that, as it would be a great websource for all to see. The real work is just the content; making the webpage isn't that difficult. Shoot me an email if you want to do something like that.
In regard to the Trimeresurus, T.elegans is considered a viable exotic on the southern part of Okinawa; the Taiwan Beauty taeniura friesei also has localized populations (I've not heard of mucrosquamatus there). I'm not too familiar with the taxonomy of the various "Trimeresurus," but I beleive "T.okinavensis" is more widely considered to be in the genus Ovophis (thin-shelled eggs, hatch in 1 - 2 days)..........they certainly bear striking similarities.
Here's a scanned pic of a small Hime Habu (Ovophis okinavensis)from the northern end of Okinawa:
I have better pics of a large snake, but they're on my camcorder and I don't have the accessories to transfer them at this time. Just for good measure, here's a baby Trimeresurus flavoviridis:
Shane ----- Lifelist
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