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at Sat Nov 25 12:28:35 2006 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHFaust ]
PHFaust: Happy Thanksgiving to our American guests! On behalf of Jeff Barringer and all of us at, I'm sincerely thank Mark Mandic of Markus Jayne Ball Pythons for being our November Guest Chatter! Mark started this journey into the reptile industry on a whim of his daughter. Realizing the perfect nature of Captive Ball Pythons, he began his business. Mark is unusual in the aspect that he only breeds ball pythons. He prides himself on his ability to improve the available Canadian ball python bloodlines by specializing in just the one species. Mark's website is Tonight he is here to discuss ball pythons.
Markus Jayne: Thanks! It's a pleasure to be here! dempserg: HHave you produced F3 pastels so far? do you have any pics? dempserg: thanks Markus Jayne: I haven't. I sold my main F@ male to concentrate on other crosses using F@ females. Markus Jayne: That should be F2
DudeJay7: what is the different between the male and female ball python i know u have to probe them but what is it with the tails are the males tail longer or shorter usually
Markus Jayne: I don't really pay attention to tail length. I've seen males and females with many tail types. I just pop all of mine. I very rarely probe.
Adam105: I just bought a very nice cbb female ball and it is like having a log! I keep and have kept many snake species before and so far balls seem to be the least do you stand them? They are just so darn boring... I think profit and messing with genetics is all that funds the ball python craze.
Markus Jayne: Personally I think they are extremely beautul in nature and looks.
herpatologist: How did you come to have all these amazing snakes? were you just lucky in breeding them and coming out with rare results or did you just buy the rare ones and bred them?
Markus Jayne: The harder you work the luckier you get. I have had very few surprises. I just try to buy the best to produce the best and it seems to be working. GA
fireladie: I am a newbie as far as morphs and genetics, where is a great place to start like books, ect
Markus Jayne: The new VPI book is incredible!!!! It is a must have! Dave and Tracey Barker did an amazing job. Keven McCurley's book is also very good. GA
wert06_nr: Ijust got an adult male Ball and its going to shed soon should I handel him?...and he has been eating rats..should I stick to that food item or mice?
Markus Jayne: I wouldn't handle him while in shed. Wait until after. Stick to rats if that is what it is eating. GA
PHLdyPayne: As a fellow Canadian planning to get into the ball python breeding world and knowing there are other canadian breeders besides yourself out there, what are your views on the Canadian market? Do you feel there is enough demand for ball python morths here?
Markus Jayne: Canada has been very good to me! Many people wrote Canada off when I was getting inback in 2000. They told me flat out that Canadians would never spend money on ball pythons. Boy were they wrong. I think Canada still is growing as is the rest of the world. GA
PHLdyPayne: Glad to here the market is good here. Thanks
KMS: A silver bullet is a Super Cinny X Super Pastel..Has anyone produced a Pastel X Super Cinny?
Markus Jayne: I'm pretty sure Greg Graziani. GA
billowingcap_nr: i have a 'female' ball python, year and a half, and i'd like to know if i can get her a cage mate.
Markus Jayne: I know some people keep balls together without any problems. I would feed separately though. I keep all of mine separate.
DudeJay7: whats the biggest ball python you have? how many do you have and how often do u handle them?
Markus Jayne: The biggest is around 3800 grams. She is a beauty! I have about 400 in my permanent collection. I handle them each once a week during cleaning. I feel it is important to be intouch with every snake. GA
Adam105: Since you have decided to dedicate a majority of your life to P. Regius, why havent you done ANY field work on them in Africa? Couldnt research done by you personally help contribute to your success as a breeder?
Markus Jayne: I would love to go to Africa. I have been invited and plan to go one day. I have done a lot of research but I mainly observe their behavior here. It helps!
KMS: 2 part question..What do you feel will be the must have morph in 2007. recessive..and co dom....
Markus Jayne: That's a good question. Hmmm...recessive will be the newest one that pops up next year that is a jaw dropper. I'm not sure what that is going to be. As far as codom...the Banana hands down! GA
Markus Jayne: AKA White smoke.
PHLdyPayne: What are your upcoming projects for 2007 do you have in the works?
Markus Jayne: A lot of killer bee crosses, hypo pastels with some extreme pastel females, a lot of pinstripe crosses , it's going to be a great year for alot of new crosses for me. GA PHLdyPayne: sounds exciting
LibertyReptiles: Have you found any hidden genes? If so, what crosses produced them? Also, how many eggs do you get from that 3800 gm. girl?
Markus Jayne: I produced a classic jungle from a ghost that is extremely intense , also I am working on trying to determine the gene that is in a female that looks like a mojave . I also have just aquired a burgundy male that I will be crossing with a burgundy female.
Markus Jayne: The big girl gave me 10 eggs from her first clutch. GA
theTegu: What kind of market do you see for base morphs (albinos, pieds, etc.) in 2007? Do you seem them dropping conciderably?
Markus Jayne: I think albinos have come down to a level that you will not see much more of a price drop. Pieds are still pretty high and will come down somewhat but not much. They are still in my mind the two most popular snakes on a table at any show to the average buyer. GA
theTegu: Thank you, Markus
Markus Jayne: Your welcome GA
rustys-balls: I had a good time at dinner up in Tinley. It was nice to meet you. What are you most looking forward to producing in 07? Thanks and good luck!
Markus Jayne: It was nice meeting you also.......there is a lot I hope to produce and I hope I'm fortunate enough to produce some nice crosses. I am partial to any kind of pastel cross . THey bring out the bright in anything. I have an outstanding butterball that I hope to cross with a killer who knows GA
rustys-balls: Nice good luck
chas3323: Do you have any business advise for newbies who are only interested in a small collection, say only producing 4 or 5 clutches a year, on how to market themselves and make a name for themselves without striving to become a Big Boy type breeding business?
Markus Jayne: Try to stay focused on quality. Don't be in such a rush to sell your snakes . Establish them first with good weight and then present them for sale. People regardless will recognize quality when they see it. One satisfied customer will inform another of your quality GA
fireladie: I have never owned ball pythons before, but are they any more difficult then boa's as far as breeding and keeping everything okay with them?
Markus Jayne: I do not have any experience with boas, but I can state that ball pythons are extremely easy to keep and breed. No problems here GA
KMS: With all the issues on pricing lately do you see the market as being adjusted or is there another round of price drops ahead.or do you feel the market is stable as is?
chas3323: Quality over Quanity was my main goal. Thanks
Markus Jayne: I think the market has gone thru some major changes but I also think that many ball pythons were overpriced to begin with. I think things has leveled out and people are realizing just how much work it is to establish yourself and sell ball pythons successfully. It is not as easy as it looks. Some people are getting out and those are the people that need to get out. Those that persevere and produce a quality product will be around for a long time, just like any business. GA
gingerfish: how did you get started into morphs and do you have any advice on how to make it a successful business on a budget?
Markus Jayne: I started with a pastel jungle and was fortunate enough to have a great first year. I took all the money I made and reinvested it in higher end morphs. The best advice I can give is to grow into business not go into business. GA
LibertyReptiles: On average, what percent of your males with no interest at beginning of breeding season will come around by end of season?
Markus Jayne: Pretty well all of them if they are a year and a half or more. I have had great luck with young males breeding as early as four months old. You have to be patient. GA
PHLdyPayne: DO you have any suggestions to get a stubborn 3 year old female to eat something other than live mice? Since I owned her, she ate pre killed and frozen thawed appropriately sized rats like clockwork but ever since May of this year, she's been really finicky. Tried all the usual techniques and that is how I did get her to eat live mice (she was eating live rats for awhile but decided she didn't like them anymore). I would like to get her up to weight to breed but so far she stays around 1200g. Temps and humidity are all within ideal range for ball pythons. Substrate is papertowel.
Markus Jayne: I would breed her........sometimes that kicks them back into gear and gives them purpose to eat. Also, if you have another room with a slightly different environment, you might want to move her and try feeding her there. I have several rooms and when I have a problem feeder I will move it into a new room and 90 percent of the time they will eat immediately. If that doesn't work take her for a drive and then put her back into her box, sometimes that works. GA
PHLdyPayne: LOL thanks....taking them for a drive actually works? or was that a joke?
PHFaust: On behalf of Jeff Barringer and all of us here at, Thank You for taking your time to chat with us. Transcripts will be posted with in a few days. Once again, Thank you Mark. See ya next June at IHS. For more information about Mark, visit, -----
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Chat Transcript Mark Mandic-Markus Jayne - PHFaust, Sat Nov 25 12:28:35 2006