Posted by:
at Mon Jan 8 16:57:43 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by reptileguy99 ]
I don't know what I'm going to do. I miss him so much and I still cry often. i know that I'm supposed to be celebrating his life, but I did that while he was alive. I still marvel at all of his accomplishments an feel a need to carry on his work in the Earth. I thought that I was to a point that i had stopped crying last night, but i made the mistake of watchin the memorial on DVD. I balled like a baby. His death actually put me into a state of depression after he died. I had to go see a counselor/therapists to help get back up on my own two feet. I have seen my life take a new course now and I am more involved in wildlife than ever. I think Steve would have liked that very much. O my gosh.. I wish he had taken that metal mesh suit that was offered to him right before the dive. Then, he would still be out there changing the world. But then i thik that by dying, he changed the world better than he would have in many years. People now want to carry on his legacy and it served as a conservational reality check. It made us look at the contribution that we give to wildlife.
Passion, Enthusiasm, Conservation We'll miss you, Steve. ----- ReptileGuy99
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