Posted by:
at Thu Feb 1 09:10:50 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by j3nnay ]
Try using photobucket instead - it keeps the images larger.
The picture is too small to see what you're describing. To me the dragon just looks normal, BUT the picture is small so I could be wrong.
Eye irritation could be from fumes (change the water more often? I know mine starts stinkin if I don't change it at least twice a day) or she was rubbing on something in her cage. Go through the whole cage and make sure its clean, all chemicals have been thoroughly washed off if you used any for cleaning, and there's no poop or urates in the water/cage.
If the eye doesn't get better and you find nothing wrong in the cage, take her to a vet.
~jenny ----- 1.2 normal ball pythons (Cindy, Darwin, and Periscope) 0.2 rescue chinese water dragons (Yoni and Linga) 0.0.1 Mountain Horned Lizard 1.0 rex rat (Scurvy) 1.0 gerbil (Yerbul) 0.1 mice (Cute Girl Mousy) 0.1 bunny (Spazz) 1.1 betta fishes (Vicious and Killer) 2.2 great danes (Shasta, Odysseus, Merlot, and Watson) 1.0 fat fuzzy mutt (Smokey) 1.1 cats (Thidwick and Turtle) 3.0 horses (Buddy, Sam, and Scout) 1.0 goat (Billy Jack) 0.0.1 chupacabra (it ate our chickens)
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