Posted by:
at Mon Feb 12 19:41:01 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by VAReptileRescue ]
I've been mostly absent from Kingsnake for the last 20 months, after my baby was born. I cried when Steve died, and every time I saw mention of it afterwards. Tonight, I found myself drawn to Kingsnake, and I saw this board. And I'm crying again.
I have been thinking a lot about Steve Irwin lately, and realized that my three heroes were intertwined in a way I can't begin to imagine.
I never got to meet any of my three heroes, and my heart aches. I want so much to tell Terri that I feel so deeply for her and her family, that I long to give each of them a hug that doesn't stop, and that I respected the heck out of Steve. I couldn't even bring myself to send an e-mail when he died. Now I can't even find an e-mail address on their website.
My first "hero" as a child (and now) was Jacques Yves Cousteau, a man that was a pioneer in environmental responsibility, and inventor of the underwater camera and SCUBA.
My favorite sinter/songwriter was John Denver, who was also an environmentalist, who died piloting an experimental aircraft. He had written a song for the Cousteau society entitled "Aye, Calyspo", and was a huge contributor to the Cousteau society.
And, then of course, there was Steve Irwin, who had an uncanny resemblance to John Denver, and who was filming another documentary when he died. And who was on the ship when he died? Phillippe Cousteau, grandson of my original hero, Jacques.
How unreal is that? (And when am I going to stop crying?)
--Bonnie Keller
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