Posted by:
at Wed Feb 14 00:30:43 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by vinvstrom ]
I think you should skip the pond part. For a few years I had a pond in the Russian pen all was fine it had shallow incline to get out easy. They never went near it and seemed afraid of it. Then one was missing I assumed got out or removed. Two weeks later she floated up, really quite a disturbing sight. I don't know if she fell in or was pushed in by the male but they don't need a pond and it's not worth the risk to me. The best way to provide a water source I've found is to hollow out a depression put some kind of plastic down mix some cement form a shallow sloped bowl add some strips of screen for strength a little more cement. They last for years its simple to sweep out the dirty water with a broom and refill and they should not be able to drown in it unless they get flipped over and held down. Males are quit fresh but I don't think they are murderous
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