Posted by:
at Tue Feb 27 19:41:32 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by j3nnay ]
Hey Maureen!
Man, I should have checked here sooner. I've taken in a pair of rescue dragons myself and I can probably help you out. Where in southern california are you? I actually have a cage suitable for one dragon by itself that's just sitting around right now.
If you would rather go the route of an official society or rescue, there's also a san diego based herpetological society that you can find when you go to the forum main page and go to the clubs. They also have a rescue/adoption thing goin.
email me!
~jenny ----- 1.2.2 normal ball pythons (Cindy, Darwin, Periscope, and dah bebbies) 0.2 rescue chinese water dragons (Yoni and Linga) 0.0.1 Mountain Horned Lizard (Freckles) 1.0 rex rat (Scurvy) 1.0 gerbil (Yerbul) 0.1 mice (Cute Girl Mousy) 0.1 bunny (Spazz) 1.1 betta fishes (Vicious and Killer) 2.2 great danes (Shasta, Odysseus, Merlot, and Watson) 1.0 fat fuzzy mutt (Smokey) 1.1 cats (Thidwick and Turtle) 3.0 horses (Buddy, Sam, and Scout) 1.0 goat (Billy Jack) 0.0.1 chupacabra (it ate our chickens)
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