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at Mon Feb 19 09:27:01 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by jellyfishrhythm ]
Howdy ya'll. I've never posted here on the pacman/horned forum before, so I may as well introduce myself. My name's Stephanie, I'm a third year undergrad at a university that due to quasi-recent developments, shall remain nameless at this time (I get a lot of criticism from people about the lacrosse team...yup), and I'm pre-med. Okay, now that that is out of the way, I have a question or two about my psychotic pacman, Ethel.
I'm not too familiar with pacmans, considering that I've had my 4 Australian White's tree frogs for the last 3 years, and Ethel is my first. She was given to me by a friend who bought her when she was all cute and tiny, and now that she's big and ornery, she didn't want her anymore, and pawned her off on me, the eternal optimist (sheesh...some people). She's been fine for the last 6 months or so that I've had her, relatively sedentary, doesn't really move around *too* much except for an occasional "yo, feed me" or a trip to her bathing pool. She's in a 15-gallon tank, which has always been fine for her, considering that all she seems to need to be content and healthy is somewhere to bury herself. She's extremely tempermental, but from what I understand, most pacmans are. Anyway, for the last week or so, she's gone a little nuts. She's extremely active, hopping around all over the place, relatively psychotic, and it sounds like she's snorting. I mean, she's the most inactive frog on the face of the earth, but she's been bouncing around and going insane like she's claustrophobic, or caffeinated, I can't really tell. She's not *that* big, probably around the size of a flattened granny smith apple (she was the size of a half-dollar when she was given to me), and she's always been happy as a log in her house. I don't know what's going on with her - - should I be worried? I'm going to try and rearrange the tank and see if that chills her out a little bit, but, yeah, I've *never* seen her like this before. I've noticed that her coloration has altered slightly as well - - lighter tones and what not, but that could just be a result of a recent shed. Any suggestions?
sorry for the extremely long post; I'm really verbose.
thanks ya'll, greatly appreciated. cheers, Stephanie
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Extremely fiesty pacman... - jellyfishrhythm, Mon Feb 19 09:27:01 2007