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RE: I have a couple questions...

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Posted by: seductivereptile at Tue Feb 20 15:01:12 2007  [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by seductivereptile ]  

He has licked my bed, my keyboard and I am just curious as to why:
Flicking their tongue allows them to pick up information from their environment. Its like a baby that picks up things and puts them in their mouth. Reptiles learn about their environment by tasting things, just like babies.

My friend is giving me a 55 gallon tank for him and it is long, not high, but I am going to put it at eye level:
A 55 gallon is fine for small frilled dragons, just realise that in nature they hang out in the top canopy of the trees. They need to feel secure, so always make sure you provide them with some form of plants to hide in, when they feel the need. Yes, you can use silk type plants, just use caution and if ever you see your frilly try to eat them, take them out straight away. Also provide them high places to hang out, they like that. When your frilly gets bigger you can upgrade with a taller enclosure.

Also, I do take him out almost everyday so he will get use to being taken out, but around what age will he become more adapt to sitting in my hand, because I would like to take him to the guy I bought him from to show him how big hes getting, but he will probably run:
I would never take my frilled dragon to a reptile show, not to mention most of the time they won't let you in with a pet reptile. The shows have many different vendors and you can expose your reptile to other animals that aren't well cared for, making it possible that your reptile will become ill. I am not saying that the person you got your frilled from is dirty, but they aren't the only vender at the show. Not every vender takes care of their animals, unfortunately. I would suggest that you take a picture and either email or take it to the show. And also frilled dragons are very skittish by nature and you wouldn't want to risk him running away and maybe getting hurt, lost, stolen or eaten by a bigger reptile. Frillys act different at home than when in unfamiliar surroundings, because they have learned about their safe spots at home by tongue flicking and of course, they have wonderful vision, so you may not see what they see. They also run VERY fast, if it got down, you would have trouble catching it.

And last question, do they get as big as bearded dragons get:
Frilled dragons actually get bigger than bearded dragons, most beardies get around 16 - 20 inches. I had one beardie that topped out at a length of 21.5 inches, but he was certainly not average. Frilled dragons can range between 24 - 36 inches, it sounds massive, but its mostly tail.

I hope this information helps. This is your animal and you have to decide if you take it out of doors. This is just my opinion, from my experience. I am sure others will post. Either way, enjoy your new friend, and learn as much as you can. They are super awesome creatures!


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<< Previous Message:  I have a couple questions... - Libra85, Mon Feb 19 15:51:28 2007