Posted by:
at Mon Feb 26 10:16:08 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by superdave1781 ]
hi Rebecca, I saw where you said you are in a process of moving away from using heat lamps, and I was wondering what you prefer to use. I started my snake collection about three years ago, and now I have 10 snakes (see my signature below). At the time, I was using a mixture of heat lamps, and heat pads, then I went to mostly using heat pads for about a year. Now I've changed to only using heat lamps (most have a built in dimmer knob) because of numerous problems with the heat pads. These problems consisted of: 1) they provided a warm spot to lay on, but did not help with ambiant temps. 2) after about 5 months they fall off (some brands are better than others) and 3) the hot spot got too hot for some of them, and it is too expensive to buy a thermostat for every cage. Are you now using something better than both of those options? ----- -David
1.0 ball python (Pandora - don't ask) 1.0 argentine boa (Prometheus) 0.1 hogg island boa (Andromeda) 0.0.1 brazilian rainbow boa (Inara) 1.0 kenyan sand boa (Diablo) 1.0 nornal corn snake(Cypress) 0.1 amery. corn snake (Morgan LaFay) 0.0.1 banded cali. kingsnake (Cain) 1.0 tangerine honduran milksnake (Narcissus) 0.0.1 snow corn snake (Valkyrie) 0.0.1 sandfish skink (Slick) 1.0 dog (Luke)
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