Posted by:
at Mon Feb 26 11:04:27 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by sportygurl3392 ]
I have had my chinese firebelly newt for approx. 3 weeks. (he is still relatively small/young)
at first i noticed that he was shedding, yet it didnt come all off (the skin) i then called the fish store, and they said that they are not supposed to shed, and that he may be too wet (not out of the water enough) so i proceeded to get a higer rock for him, which worked well he then seemed to have been attacked my my frog (who does have a little bit of a history of harming things smaller than him - but since my newt was larger i thought they would be fine) i took the newt out and moved him to another tank his back limb seemed to have been attacked, and showed the bone i then noticed a couple days later that his front leg also looked like it was attacked the front leg healed, and the back leg got worse - the bone kept coming farther and farther out, until now, where he was no use of his leg past his knee his front leg has also gotten worse even after seemeing to get better you can now see all the muscle in his front leg, and he has no use of it i also noticed that he is now looking fuzzy
he has not eaten for the past 2 weeks, and is very lathargic (i can see his ribs and spine)
what is rong with my guy?
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