Posted by:
W von Papineäu
at Thu Mar 8 19:36:35 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by W von Papineäu ]
THE HERALD (Port Elizabeth, S Africa) 02 March 07 Emergency surgery for slippery customer (Dineo Matomela & Justin McCabe) An emergency operation was performed on a large 1,7-metre female Cape cobra last night after it was found injured, presumedly attacked by a dog, in Malabar, Port Elizabeth. The snake, which was described by professional reptile conservationist Mark Marshall as extremely large and “a great find”, was spotted by members of a Malabar family when it slithered under their house. Marshall, of Sandula Conservation, said it took him several hours to lure the reptile out from under the foundations of the house. He finally managed to grab it by the tail and pulled it out from under the building, he said. He realised the badly bleeding snake was severely injured, probably from dog bites, and needed urgent surgery. “I have never seen a snake bleed so much.” Marshall called in the help of veterinary surgeon David Stuart, of the Bay View Animal Clinic in Walmer, who gave it a local anaesthetic and 20 stitches to stop the bleeding. “It will be kept for rehabilitation and released into the bush when it gains strength.” Marshall said many snakes had been forced out of their natural habitat by recent veld fires and housing developments. “The snakes are losing their habitats and opting for homes as sanctuaries. “I‘d like to thank the people who kept the snake alive by spraying it with water instead of killing it,” he said. Emergency surgery for slippery customer
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