Posted by:
at Sat Mar 24 16:15:01 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by turtle211 ]
Clemmys guttata is listed as Species of special concern in Pennsylvnia, that means it is rare, not common due to one or more of the following factors: range restriction, population decline, limited distribution, direct threats from habit destruction, collectings etc.., so it should not be taken from the wild. Another point is, that wild caught animals are not easy to keep, sometimes they don't feed and die. They need natural sunlight and a tank with shallow water ca. 4 Inch in depth. Also turtles like spotteds are no pets for childs. In my opinion the turtle should be released where it has been found. If you want to keep turtles you shoud by captive bred turtles which are much easier to keep.
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