Posted by:
at Sat Mar 24 05:00:03 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by fireside3 ]
Try to stimulate him to open his eyes by lightly pinching the base of his tail. Look into the eyes with a penlight and magnifying glass for visible injury or debris. Rinse with saline or room temp. filtered water. Follow up with turtle eye drops which contain vitamin A. You may additionally use Clear Eyes-for dry eyes containing carboxymethylcellulose sodium ( or acetate ) and glycerine, and/or an antibiotic opthalmic ointment. Use only ointments meant for eye use, and no other drops which contain ingredients other than the ones listed above ( such as polyvinyl alcohol or tetrahydrozoline ).
If this condition is not due to debris, then it could be a respiratory or other opportunistic infection that took hold while he was hibernating. Put the lizard in your hand close to your ear and listen for his breathing. If it is excessively wheezy or crackling in comparison to your other HLs, then it is likely RI. This sometimes results from aspiration of water if the soil is too wet, or respiratory irritation if they are kept too dry and not sufficiently hydrated. If his stomach is also bloated, it could be gastroenteritis possibly brought about by the GI tract not being sufficiently clear before hibernation, and/or from parasitic infestation ( especially since most DHLs are wild caught ). In any of these cases ( other than simply debris in the eyes ) he should see a vet because any of these conditions left untreated can kill, and this will require systemic antibiotic injection, vitamin A injection, and/or antiparasitic drugs to cure.
In the meantime; keep the eyes flushed and use the drops containing Vit. A, keep him well hydrated and do not force food or large prey on him, allow him a basking area that is between 105*-110*, and on the food he will eat use Bene-Bac bird/reptile probiotic to help build back up the gut flora.
I would also suggest quarantine to seperate housing until it is determined he carries nothing communicable, otherwise you risk your other lizards. ----- "A man that should call everything by it's right name, would hardly pass the streets without being knocked down as a common enemy." The Complete Works of George Savile, First Marquess of Halifax 1912,246
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- eye problem - drrok, Tue Mar 20 19:22:53 2007
- RE: eye problem - osira, Wed Mar 21 10:41:17 2007
RE: eye problem - fireside3, Sat Mar 24 05:00:03 2007