Posted by:
at Mon Apr 9 12:23:21 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by ophidio ]
Well I just posted this in the general lizards forum, but someone directed me here. So far so good with my pair...
I recently bought a 1.1 pair of what I believe are blue-throated agamas. They were being sold under the name "Pitbull Agama", presumably because they bite pretty hard for their size. I'm really hoping to find more about them here, because I've looked everywhere and found only a small amount of information.
They are small, about 6" total length. I have no idea if they are full grown as I am finding conflicting information about the size of this species. Some sources describe them as being large, up to 15", but others say they are small around 6", which would make mine adults. They resemble bearded dragons, but with much, much shorter spines and a shorter tail. Both sexes have mottled-yellow throats. My males throat becomes a brillaint blue when he is agitated. Adult males are supposed to have completely blue heads during the breeding season, like this one (not my pic);
Most of the time however my male is brownish gray, with a green stripe running down his neck and between the shoulder blades, with tints of green elsewhere on his body. The female is deeper brown and has shown no colour change so far. She is quite aggressive and will hold her ground and lunge repeatedly when reached for. The female is slightly larger than the male, I believe my male is younger.
I have them set up in a 24"x12"x18" tank, with a large artifical rock/log background for them to climb on, the inside of which is like a cave which I keep humid. There are also branches and artificial plants in the cage, with a cocomulch/cypress mulch mix for substrate. I have a water dish which I have not seem them use yet, and I have been misting daily. Temps are about 80f ambient, with basking spot of 120f. A repti-glo 10.0 runs the length of the cage, they can bask within 3" of the light. Female has been basking for long periods in hottest spot, male has spent entire time so far hiding (I have had them for 2 day.) They have both eaten several dusted crickets. I'm really hoping they shed soon, as they appear to have some stuck skin around the eyes. I'm really hoping to breed these guys. I have never heard of them before I bought them, but I am already thrilled with them. They are active, bold, and though they are quite drab right now hopefully they will be prettier after some TLC. Hopefully my male will soon show colours like the one pictured. Is there likely to be a high demand for CB babies of this species? I figure their bearded-dragon-like appearance, colours, feisty personality and oh-so marketable trade name (pitbull agama lol) could make them quite popular.
If anyone has ANY information about these guys or keeps them please post about it here!! Also if anyone thinks I may have got the wrong species please let me know. I'm not sure if blue-throated agamas, blue-headed agamas, and blue tree dragons are really all the same thing :
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