Posted by:
at Wed Mar 28 12:10:00 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by OKReptileRescue ]
I have the mans name, and tried to do a 'phone book' search for him- no luck, only pulled up the # and addy I previously had for him. He's moved half way across the country. haven't been able to locate him- and don't know any of his friends or anything like that.
She wasn't in that bad of condition- she's big, has good scales, was fed only f/t, had a pleanty large cage, the proper heating, hide, and water bowl. The only problem she had was a slight URI- only took a few treatments of amikacin to kick it. She was by no means morbidly unhealthy. (in comparison of other things we get anyway).
He just mentioned that he had other snakes and would call me back if he didn't find homes for any of them- the Dum. was the only one I got. He was in such a hurry to get to the airport, we didn't really have time to discuss her back ground- just quickie stuff- she's eating xxl rats, very laid-back, sheds good, doesn't need special soaking,etc. to do so. we brought the cage into quarantine and he was off. I usually have a list of questions for people to fill out but I didn't want to make him miss his flight. yha know.
I've just been keeping an eye on her. She's a little more active today than usual. don't know if that means anything- I really do not know anything about breeding but I did research a bit, and got a different box in her cage- just in case she decides to drop a load of bloody babies- hopefully she'll use the box.... I would like to see it and experience the reptile birthing process- i love seeing the pics here. amazing.... I've talked to the vet about a possible ultrasound- she said that for the money it would cost the rescue, it might be best just to wait and see- in the meantime, treat her as if she's gravid- small or no meals, etc... and looking through my records for her, she hasn't shed in a while either. but she is looking a bit dark. this is just a mess..... we'll know soon i suppose. Beth ----- The rescue site:
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