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at Thu Mar 29 13:41:45 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by PHRatz ]
I'll tell ya if your husband really wants a snapping turtle, he ought to go buy one that's been captive bred. A baby wouldn't be very expensive and the reason I say buy one that's CB is because with an aggressive species like that if you took one out of the wild there's a very good chance it wouldn't acclimate to captivity. It would likely have a lot of parasites so may need treatment for that so that in captivity the parasites don't overwhelm it. Plus if you take any out of the wild you have to be very careful that you do not take an alligator snapping turtle, it has to be a common snapper. Alligator snappers are threatened in TX, it's illegal to keep them unless you have a permit.
I had a friend who had a common snapper that she bought in a pet store.. even CB you can't breed that aggressive nature out of them. He got to be pretty large but not nearly full grown when he was down right dangerous, so of course when she had a baby.. she got rid of him. ![](images/smiles/sad.gif) Good luck with finding one. ----- PHRatz
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