Posted by:
at Wed Apr 18 22:28:11 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by tglazie ]
Has he eaten anything? Try dandelion leaves to start; make sure they're pesticide free. If he doesn't take that, try any number of grocers veggies like kale, romain lettuce, collard greens, mustard greens, yellow squash and zuchinni squash. They usually go for one of these initially. Don't give them fruit; this tends to cause runny stool and has too much sugar.
Are you keeping him in a sunny part of the yard? Sun is very important for these guys. However, provide him with shelters from the heat, rain and cold. If the temperature falls below fifty at night, you should bring him inside (as you do not want him going back into hibernation). Keep him warm with an infrared dull emitter (you can find them at any petstore as well as instructions for use) and some form of artificial light. Make sure he has shelter from the light while indoors; turn off all of these at night as room temperature seems to be fine overnight.
If he doesn't drink, this is normal. Soak him anyway. I believe the cloaca actually absorbs some water when submerged, and this allows flushing of sediment and excrement around the vent. It works as a means to keep him regular, as I found mine to generally excrete solid and liquid waste when soaked. It's also an advantage because you can check them for macroscopic parasite loads; plus, it's a convenient way to get stool samples for the vet. Soak him daily for now, but eventually you will only have to do it two to three times per week during the summer months. If he starts regularly taking food, is active on bright days, and doesn't maintain a dehydrated appearance (sunken eyes, dry cracking skin, and reluctance to feed), increase soakings and consult a vet if you feel anything looks amiss.
For now, you must get him to eat some green leafy plant material. Watch him from a distance, and you'll learn a lot about how he normally behaves. You'll usually know if something is up. The trick is doing something about it before it's too late.
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- New Tort Owner - brkaway132, Tue Apr 10 20:21:34 2007
RE: New Tort Owner - tglazie, Wed Apr 18 22:28:11 2007
- RE: New Tort Owner - SeanOR, Mon Nov 26 14:37:56 2007