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at Wed Apr 11 16:42:18 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by NerodiaGrappler1 ]
I tried a similar method of taping newspaper over the outside of the tank for 2 weeks and it didn't seem to make any difference to him. Maybe i'll try it again though. Also, my particular snake has never acted very agressive at all. It takes a whole lot before he'll go into defensive posture and start striking, though after a while he will. Maybe this individual is just particularly docile and inoffensive and that is why he is struggling so much. I have heard that Waglers temple vipers can be that way also. I like the idea of trying to feed him another snake or maybe an anole, as other reptiles are the only thing I havent tried. I have just never had a snake this finnicky (i dont think i spelled that right) about food before. My FWC was easy enough to convert, same with the red-tail and my Nerodia (water snake). I am giving him plenty of alone time, cover, water, de-wormer, a variety of prey and I just dont know what else to do. Since i stressed him out a lot today giving him his last dose of Panacur I suppose i'll give it a few days and then try a lizard or garter snake. Thanks for the help. Any other pointers would be appreciated.
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