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at Sat Apr 14 22:28:55 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by mdburton ]
Seems this is the best forum about 'lizards' I've found. Props for that!
Anyways, I've been 'studying' lizards for about 6 months now. I only own 2 brown anoles (one I caught in florida over spring break and the other I bought to accompany it). Anyways I'm looking at lizards that I can handle. Yes, I know bearded dragons are probably the best for handling (according to my readings online). But, I think I want to get a chinese water dragon.
I want a chinese water dragon, because I like the way they look. I originally wanted to get an iguana, but 6ft is a bit to big for me in the near future. I can tolerate a 3 foot creature with it mostly being tail.
Anyways I am asking you guys about the poop. How messy are they? Refreshing the water daily is fine. How often do you have to clean the whole enclosure?
I'd start out with like a 50 gal tank with a baby one.
Also I plan to give it lots of attention. Can they be as tame as bearded dragons?
I'm 20 years old and graduating college next spring so I could build him a larger (more vertical) enclosure by then. I don't plan on getting one till the end of summer anyways since I don't want to hassle with moving more stuff into my new apartment.
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Specific information is needed = ) - mdburton, Sat Apr 14 22:28:55 2007