Posted by:
at Thu Apr 19 23:06:35 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by clouddancer22 ]
Jenny has a good point. It was surprising to me that my landlord wanted me to get rid of my dragon and my viv. I didn't, of course, just kept it out of sight. Now I have 3 vivs and 6 dragons . . . and a new landlord lol.
And the food bill is something to think about. My adult female likes 4 pinkies ($!.25 ea) a week, and the males like about 4 fuzzies ($2 ea) EACH, in addition to worms and crickets, which was closing in on $25 a week, until I discovered on-line sources. Now my food bill is more like $10 a week.
And don't forget to put aside some money for vet visits. Especially an initial check up and fecal.
Yes, they do settle down as they mature, just like anything else. One of my boyz will be three next month, and he is still quite a character. He actually gallops around the room!
I don't currently use a filter on my water. I take them out and empty them daily.
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