Posted by:
at Thu Apr 26 08:05:09 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by FunkyRes ]
First, I need to tell the sex of the thing because I have one already and want it to be a pair. What does a hemipenis look like?
They stick out of either side of the vent - pinkish protusions - but males don't always display.
Second, the color is really great on this thing. What do I have to do to make sure that it keeps it nice shade of green?
Several things can effect color shade, including temperature and health and season.
Third, it lost its tail before but has grown it back. Will it eventually match its body scales again after a shed or something?
No - it will never look like an original tail.
Fourth, how often do these guys shed?
Every couple of months. ----- 3.6 L. getula californiae (Cal. King) 1.1 L. getula nigrita (MBK) 1.0 Pantherophis guttatus guttatus (Corn) 1.0 Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi (Valley Garter) 1.0 Boa constrictor constrictor (suriname, fostering/rescue) 3.3 Elgaria multicarinata multicarinata (Cal. Alligator Lizard)
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