Posted by:
at Tue May 1 06:28:05 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by seiryu ]
Hello, i've had my 2 green basilisk for 11 months now (they were 2-3 weeks old when i got them roughly). Both of them eat well, but one of them in the past 2 days has been having an issue. When i wake up at 7:30 am to turn the Heat lamps/UVB on the one was a Brownish color (almost his entire body) and the other is a healthy green. This is the 2nd day in a row it's happened. Usually by 8:30 when i go to feed them (i give them time to heat up and get some UVB in), he's back to his green self. I use a calcium supplement 2 times a week (both usually eat 6-10 mealworms/crickets that were dusted a week). Feed 2-3 times a day depending on how fast they eat. Have 2 heat lamps, big enclosure for their size (i want to say they are 18-20 inches now, a 10.0 UVB bulb and a 5.0 UVB, things to climb on, big pool, I mist 2-3 times a day, temps at night are 73-77, during the day they are 80-85, basking is 90-97 and cool side is 75-80. Crickets gutloaded with Potatoes, apples, carrots. It's just the one (he actually eats more then the other one). If anyone has any info on why this is happened, i'd appreciate it, thanks!
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