Posted by:
at Sun May 20 17:01:22 2007 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ] [ Show All Posts by elapid68 ]
Hi Kevin
Most of my Pseudonaja do constrict their food, it's a common trait for the species.
It looks very much like a Pseudonaja but unless I keyed it out I can't say 100%. I don't know if you are able to do a scale count but I've included Cogger's key for Pseudonaja below. Hope this helps.
This genus is charicterised by the possession of smooth scales in 17-21 rows at mid-body; nasal and preocular scales in contact; suboculars absent; anal divided; subcaudals divided, 35 or more; 7-12 solid maxillary teeth following the fang. 1. Scales in 17 or 19 rows...............................go to 2
Scales usually in 21 rows..................Pseudonaja guttata
2. Ventrals more than 175................................go to 3
Ventrals fewer than 175....................Pseudonaja modesta
3. Scales in 17 or 19 rows; if in 17 rows, adults banded or with at least a few dark scales on the neck; young, if banded, usually with narrow irregular cross-bands.............go to 5
4. Nasal not or only partially divided, usually broadly contracting the preocular; inside of mouth flesh colored..... ..........................................Pseudonaja textilis
Nasal completely divided, uaually not or in only point contact with the preocular; inside of mouth black..Pseudonaja ingrami
5. Scales normally in 17, sometimes in 19 rows; rostral large and strap-like, higher than broad and conspicuouswhen viewed from above.....................................Pseudonaja nuchalis
Scales normally 19 rows; rostral normal, about as broad as high, and scarcely visible from above.......Psuedonaja affinis
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